Monday, November 28, 2016

Q2 Week 7

“Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.” ~Babe Ruth

Dear Parents,

We often strike out, even when we try our hardest. Nobody is perfect, and one of the hardest lessons for a 4th grader to learn is that learning isn't always easy. Our aim at Archway Trivium East is to give your students access to ideas that will allow them to grow into lovers of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. These ideas are big, and often difficult. Do not be discouraged if you find they sometimes struggle with them, the struggle itself is an excellent lesson. Keep encouraging them to do and be their best, and let us know if you have any thoughts or questions!

This Week

1) In History we will be learning about Muhammed's flight from Mecca to Medina and how he preserved and grew the religion of Islam in its infancy. If you have any questions about the goals or methods regarding our lessons about Islam, please feel free to email me and ask them.

2) We will be spending most of our Writing and Literature classes in the next three weeks working on our Twelfth Night Reader's theater play, which will be performed on the last day of school (Dec 16th)! The performance will be open to parents and further details are coming soon!

3) We are going to be introducing Paul Revere's Ride this week! This is one of those hard challenges I mentioned. The poem is long and intimidating, but 4th graders have managed to memorize the whole thing every year that I have taught it. We will work to get the first several paragraphs memorized before Christmas break, and students will finish it during project week.


Mr. Ohbayashi

Monday, November 21, 2016

Q2 Week 6

Dear Parents,

Happy Thanksgiving! It is exciting to have a long weekend ahead of us, but we have a lot of exciting things to learn this shorter week as well.

Deficiency notices were sent out over the weekend, so make sure you double check for them. If you received a deficiency notice for your student and have any questions please feel free to email me. There is still a lot of time to bring up grades in this quarter.

Here is a snapshot of what we will be doing this week:

In History we will be learning about the founding of the religion of Islam. We will learn how the prophet Muhammad organized a religion in the face of great resistance, and how he established traditions and Pillars of the Muslim faith that would endure to the modern day. We will have an open note quiz on Wednesday.

In Literature  we will be having a seminar on King Arthur this Monday. The question we will be discussing is "Who was the best Knight in the book and why?" Ask your students how the conversation went and if they learned anything new from their peers! We will then be introducing William Shakespeare's play Twelfth Night which the student's will be performing as a reader's theater in December.

In Writing we will be practicing writing persuasive sentences and analyzing what types of sentences we use to be persuasive. Ask your students what they think persuasion is and how we can be persuasive in a virtuous way.


Mr. Ohbayashi

Monday, October 31, 2016

Q2 Week 3

"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity." -Ellen Parr

Dear Parents,

Never forget to encourage your students to keep asking questions. Even though they can some times be frustratingly abundant, a child's questions are key to opening their minds to engage and understand new ideas. Ask them your own questions: "How do you think that works?", "Why do you think he made that choice?" Always keep them thinking and never discourage their natural desire to know.

This Week

1) In History we will be learning about the Magna Carta and the first Parliamentary government in England. The principles set down in the Magna Carta would become the cornerstones of the American Constitution 500 years later. Be sure to talk to your students about ideas such as trial by jury and no taxation without proper approval of those being taxed!

There will be a quiz this Friday on what we learned this week.

2) In Writing we are going to be reviewing proper punctuation and practicing our diagramming skills. You can help your students by asking them to identify what the subject noun and verb are in everyday sentences that they encounter. There will be a spelling test and a grammar quiz on Friday. The spelling quiz should be fairly easy for the students, the words we are going over in Spalding are mostly to get them back in the groove and rhythm of doing Spalding.

3) In Literature we are nearing the end of King Arthur. I must warn you, the ending is rather depressing in places, though with promises of greater victory to come. If you haven't been reading to your student so far, now would be a great time to start!


Mr. Ohbayashi

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Q2 Week 2

"Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, 'Certainly I can!' Then get busy and find out how to do it." -Teddy Roosevelt

Dear Parents,

We are beginning to encounter assignments that are more difficult than what your fourth graders have been asked to accomplish previously. You may be seeing some frustration at home, but a little frustration is actually part of our goal. Learning is frustrating. One lesson we want our fourth graders to walk away from this year is that sometimes, in order to learn, you have to struggle. To that end we sometimes ask our students to reach for goals that are not easily accomplished. If you feel the workload is becoming too stressful on your scholar, please contact me and we can figure out a way to continue to challenge them without creating unhealthy levels of anxiety.

This Week

1. In History we will be working on our Medieval Persons project this week. This project requires students to ask questions and research a famous Medieval figure and gather information to share with their group. They will then present this information to the whole class. This is one of those difficult projects, especially the research. Do not think of this as a full on research project, but rather a foray into world of research. It can be really challenging for students to know where to start, but I have been very pleased with the results and experiences that students have had with this project in previous years.

2. In Writing we will be learning how to use Being verbs. Students will will be parsing and diagramming sentences using the verbs Am, Is, Are, Was, Were, Be, Being, Been. If you want to challenge your students at home, ask them to stop and tell you whether the sentences you have been using use Being or Action verbs.

3. In Literature we are continuing with King Arthur. This week we are reading the story of Gawain and Lady Ragnell. This is a story of the power of sacrifice and service. Feel free to read with your students and enjoy the story!

4. In Spalding we will be taking our first spelling test! The 20 spelling words this week have gone home as Spalding HW assignments #2 and #3. I do not expect these spelling words to be especially challenging for our students, but it is good for them to get into the routine of Spalding homework and spelling tests.


Mr. Ohbayashi

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Q2 Week 1

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths"
Walt Disney

Dear Parents,

This quarter is a new beginning for us and our scholars. It will bring new challenges and new joys, and we don't know where we will be when we come to the end of it. Last quarter was a period of learning and adjustment. Now that we have our feet under us a bit more solidly, we will start seeing precisely what we can do. The rigor and expectations are going up, but don't panic if your student comes home frustrated once or twice. We will be working to help them rise to their potential here at school, just let us know if things seem to be getting too much for them and we will figure out a way to help.

This Week

1, In History we will be learning about the earliest European cities that began to grow in the Middle Ages. What was it like to live in a city? Why might a serf leave his home on a manor and move to live in a place like London or Paris? 

We will have an open note quiz on Friday.

2. In Writing we will be doing a myriad of activities this week. Because it is a week of half-days we will be switching from subject to subject in ELA. On Monday we will be learning our new poem, "Rhinoceros" by Ogden Nash and reciting it on Wednesday. On Tuesday we will learn how to write a personal letter and practice it with a homework assignment. On Thursday we will be doing Spalding and our first Spalding homework assignment! Look for an explanatory note coming home on that. Friday we will get back to reading King Arthur with reading homework.


Mr. Ohbayashi

Monday, October 3, 2016

Q1 Week 9

“Can't say I've ever been too fond of beginnings, myself. Messy little things. Give me a good ending anytime. You know where you are with an ending.” - Neil Gaiman

We now come to the end of our beginning, the first quarter in 4th grade at Archway Trivium East. It has been an awfully exciting beginning, and even in this time every one of us has grown a lot. As we wrap up our opening act it is always a good idea to review how things went. Did we do our best? How can we improve? What comes next? These questions and more can help focus us as we enter into a new chapter in our 4th grade adventure.

Sign ups for parent teacher conferences have gone out, if you did not get the email the link to find the sign ups is:

Sign up quickly! Spots fill fast.

This Week

In History we will be learning about city life in the Middle Ages and the urban environments that began to spring up across Europe. What was it like to live in a Medieval city? We shall discuss everything from the governments to the guilds, from the street design to the smells might one encounter on a jaunt through London or Paris.

In Literature we will be reading the tragic story of Tristram and Isault. You may see some weepy students this week as this is King Arthur's equivalent to Romeo and Juliet except with more dragons.

In Writing we will continue learning about describers, this week our focus will be adverbs. Adverbs allow us to not just learn, but learn well. They are essential to describing our actions and even our very being.

I hope you and your students enjoy the final week of our quarter!


Mr. Ohbayashi

Monday, September 19, 2016

Q1 Week 7

"Glory follows virtue as if it were its shadow." -
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Going into our 7th week we are facing new challenges. Our commitment to virtue and excellence in behavior is being tested, but we are all working to persevere through trial to emerge to the great glory of the learning on the other side. Keep encouraging your students to come to school ready to give their all to the pursuit of truth and knowledge. Learning starts with listening and following instructions, which can be hard, but it ends in mystery, adventure, and wonder.

This Week

1. In History we will be exploring the life and relationships of the people of the Middle Ages. How did the average person live in the 1100s? What were the expectations of peasants, knights, lords, and kings? How would one effectively besiege a castle?! Feel free to ask all these questions and more so you can join into the fun of learning about such a fantastic period.

We will also have a history test on Friday. There will be a study guide sent home that will be based on their review and their notes. Make sure you remind your scholar to bring their notes home on Wednesday and Thursday!

2. In Writing we will be learning about the dynamic verb. Verbs are what make a sentence interesting! They tell us whatever it is that there is to say about our subject, and they can be used in so many different ways. This week we will focus on the Action Verb and will be introducing diagramming to the students. Look out for some simple diagramming homework to come home later in the week.

3. In Literature we will continue to read King Arthur and meet more of his mightiest knights. The diction and vocabulary in this book are more difficult (as you have noticed) so it would be super helpful to read with your scholar if you have time. If not, encourage them to write down words they don't know and ask you about them when you are free. Reading with your scholar is the number one best way to help them improve their reading level, so make it a priority if at all possible.

4. In Poetry we will be finishing memorizing Shel Silversteins "Clarence" this week. Have your student perform it for you! Don't worry, we made sure to explain to them that they cannot actually sell you and get new parents. The whole poem should be memorized by Monday (Sept 26th)


Mr. Ohbayashi

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Q1 Week 6

"Well begun is half done." -Mary Poppins (But really Aristotle).

Dear Parents,

We are half way done with out first semester of 4th grade at Archway Trivium East. Let's all take a moment to wonder at what our students have accomplished even in this short time. They have read an entire book and had a seminar discussion on kingship. They have discussed the fall of Rome and what causes were most significant in its destruction. They have begun to learn the process of writing a clean and beautiful sentence. In these few weeks they have learned a lot, and impressed us even more. Find the time this week to congratulate them on a year well begun.

In Class

1) History: In history we will be learning about the rise of Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire. We will also learn about the institution of a feudal society and the different roles played by peasants, knights, and royalty in such a society. There will be a quiz this Friday (9/16) and a test NEXT Friday (9/23).

2) Reading: We are starting King Arthur! This will match up well with out study of Feudal Society and knighthood. Be sure to ask your students about the story if you are not already reading with them.

3) Writing: This week we will be reading the story "the leap frog" and learning to identify the main narrative thread of the story and then summarize it in an original sentence. The key process is for the students to 1) Think what they want to write, 2) Say what they want to write, and finally 3) Write what they want to write. Following these steps will help train your students to become organized writers.

Keep up all the good work you are doing at home, and thanks so much for all the support you give us here.


Mr. Ohbayashi
4th Grade ELA/History Lead

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Q1 Week 5

"Fire is the test of gold; adversity, of strong men." Martha Graham

Dear Parents,

Week five of our school year is upon us and with it deficiency notices. For those who are not aware, a deficiency notice is a communication to you that your student has a deficient grade in a one of the 4 subjects they are graded on in 4th grade. Our struggles with putting names on our homework have led to a few more deficiency notices than is normal, so there may be some surprising notices coming home.

 This is a time that can be stressful for both you and your scholars, but I urge you and your students not become discouraged if you receive one. Deficient grades are easily solvable this early in the quarter. For most students it will be as simple a matter as making sure they have their name on all of their assignments.

The 4th grade is the best time for students to learn to struggle through adversity. A deficiency notice is often the lesson they need to get them to take are part of their education more seriously. I urge you to treat deficiency notices, and grades in general, as lessons to learn from rather than failures to be punished for.

This Week

History: We are moving into the Middle Ages proper this week and will be learning about the life of peasants after the fall of Rome.  Students will learn the role prayer and work had in the lives of peasants and how the vulnerability of the average person in the chaos of the Medieval age lead to the rise of Feudalism. We will have a quiz on Friday on pgs. 10 and 11 of their history notebook which SHOULD come home with them Thursday night.

Writing: In writing we will be introducing the importance of a sentence and why they can be so difficult to write. We will learn what a sentence is and how to identify a well structured sentence vs. a poorly structured sentence. We will have a quiz on nouns and pronouns next Monday (9/12/2016)

Literature: This week we will ACTUALLY seminar on Prince Caspian! Last week the chaos of MAP testing delayed our seminar. We have decided that the only question that will be discussed is "What trait is most important to have to be a good king?" Ask the question to your students and see how they respond!

The next book we will be reading is King Arthur, which will be assigned from the class.

Spalding: We will begin adding pages to our Spalding book this week. Next week you should see Spalding spelling words coming home.


Mr. Ohbayashi
4th Grade History/ELA Lead Teacher

Monday, August 29, 2016

Q1 Week 4

"Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy, and keep choosing it every day." -Henri J.M. Nouwen

Dear Parents,

Four weeks into the year and your scholars are already demonstrating excellence in their behavior that I would expect from the third quarter. We have been very impressed by the wonder they bring to our classrooms and by how they choose to pursue learning and virtue every day.

One concern we have though is homework completion. Many scholars are missing one or more homework assignment. This is due in part to some students forgetting to put their name on their work, but also to many not turning work in. Because of this there are many students whose grades are in deficient levels right now. If you receive a deficiency notice, make sure your scholar turns in their homework for the rest of the quarter and that should bring their grade up significantly.

This Week

History: This week your students will be learning about the Middle Ages and the amazing innovations produced by people who faced the struggles of living in the post-Roman Empire. They will also be learning about the role played by the Catholic and Orthodox Christian churches in the Middle Ages and how those institutions deeply shaped culture.

Writing: We will be starting to learn how to read, understand, and summarize passages in school this week. This is a crucial skill that will be key to their success on AZ Merit and the rest of their academic career. We will be spending a lot of time on summary, so feel free to ask any questions you have to help or let me know if your scholar is struggling with the skill.

Literature: This week we will seminar on Prince Caspian! The questions they will be discussing as a group (with minimal teacher help) are "What is the most important characteristic to have to be a good king?" and "What role does belief play in the actions of the characters in the book?"

Spalding: We should be getting into the rhythm of Spalding soon. We have been reviewing cursive and making sure all the students can write proficiently and legibly. Starting next week between 20 and 30 spelling words should be coming home as homework on Mondays and Wednesdays. Make sure students are getting those done and preparing for their spelling tests every Friday.

The year and all of its stresses keeps coming, but the prize at the end of the journey is worth all the challenges we face. Lets follow the example of your students and keep choosing to be joyful every day.


Mr. Ohbayashi
4th Grade History/ELA Lead Teacher

Monday, August 22, 2016

Q1 Week 3

Dear Parents,

"Since it is so likely that children will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage." -C.S. Lewis.

A new week begins, with new challenges and new adventures. We are beginning to fall into our routines now, and as the freshness of the year wears off we are likely to see slips and mistakes on everyone's part. If you see one or two infractions coming home, that is okay. Everyone is getting comfortable in fourth grade, and everyone makes mistakes.

As we push forward let us always keep our minds on our mission, to help these students become excellent human beings. They are very likely to face many enemies and difficulties as they grow up and take leadership of the world, we must at least prepare them to face them with heroic courage.

This Week

History: We will be learning about the fall of Rome this week. The students will learn about  the instability and chaos left in Rome's wake and how the people of that time adapted and built the beginnings of the kingdoms and nations that would form into the modern world. There will be a quiz on Friday.

Writing/Spalding: We are going to really focus on handwriting this week. By the end we will have gone through cursive and manuscript letter formation and should all be writing proficiently. The best way to help your student improve their handwriting is by checking their homework (or anything they write) and insisting on their best work. It might be painful to rewrite a sentence, but the benefit of what it teaches them will save them a lot of time in the future. There will be a handwriting quiz on Thursday.

Reading: We will continue with Prince Caspian. This week Caspian and the Pevensie's situation will become even more dire and they will encounter some truly cruel enemies. If you read with your students (a great idea!) then talk to them about the courage that was required by the children to face such terrible enemies. Such courage is worth emulating.

Thank you for your continued support! Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns.


Mr. Ohbayashi
4th Grade History/ELA Lead Teacher

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Q1 Week 2

"No one in the world can change Truth. What we can do and should do is to seek truth and to serve it when we have found it." -St. Maximillian Kolbe

Dear Parents,

The first week of school is past, and here we are. There are still procedures to master, but your students have been incredibly impressive these first four days. As we begin to fall into the routines of schoolwork, here are some things to keep in mind:

1) Infractions and Virtue Codes

This year we will be using an infraction and code system to track and communicate behavior. An infraction is given to a student when they are not following our expectations for the class.

An infraction is a gentle reminder for them to recognize that they are not meeting expectations so they have a chance to adjust their own behavior. The infraction will be put into their agenda and needs to be signed by you before the next day.

We are all human and make mistakes, and it is likely that each of your students will receive at least a few infractions this year. I strongly advise these infractions should not be treated as major offenses at home.

 A single infraction can be an opportunity to have a discussion about the expectation and how your student can follow it in the future, but typically won't require any further consequence.

2) Friday Folders

Every Friday a manila folder will come home with your student with their graded work. This should be the work they did that week up to Thursday, plus Thursday and Friday's work from the week before.

Make sure you are asking for your students Friday folder, as sometimes they forget to show it to their parents. The folder should be returned the following Monday.

3) Names on homework.

Make sure to remind your students to put their names on their homework! We already have 3 assignments that will not get credit because they had no names. We will not hunt down the owners of assignments that do not have names on them, so it is important that students learn this basic skill quickly.

In class this week:

History: We will finish learning how to use latitude and longitude to find coordinates on a map and go on a world tour from London to Mecca to Beijing, some of thee major cities we will study this year. There will be a quiz on Thursday assessing their ability to locate specific coordinate points on a map and their general understanding of the layout of a basic map.

Reading: We will continue to read Prince Caspian. A great strategy for approaching focus questions is to have your scholar read the questions before doing the reading and talk to you or someone else about what kind of answer they will be looking for. Then they can read and find answers as they go. This saves time and keeps them from having to search through the text after they have already read it.

Spalding: We will be re-learning correct Spalding manuscript and cursive this week. Handwriting will be a grade this year, so continue to encourage your student to do their best. Sometimes having them rewrite assignments that are very messy can be frustrating, but it will benefit them greatly.

Writing/Grammar: We will be learning about common and proper nouns this week, as well as pronouns. Their noun notes will go into their blue Writing/Grammar notebook. There will be a quiz on Friday assessing their understanding of the difference between common nouns, proper nouns, and pronouns.

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns.


Mr. Ohbayashi
4th Grade Lead Teacher

Monday, August 8, 2016

Q1 Week 1

Dear Parents,

Welcome again to the 4th grade. It is my hope that we can work together this year to continue to help your students down the path toward success and virtue.

The purpose of this blog will be to create a reliable stream of communication from myself to parents. I will update the blog every Monday with an outline of the content we will be covering that week, test dates, and other important announcements.

I plan on creating an automatic notification for all 4th grade parents every time my blog is updated. Please email me at if you would prefer not to receive this update.

This Week

So much of this week will be dedicated to getting the students back into school mode. We will be practicing procedures a lot, but also introducing the main themes and ideas that are going to define our learning this year.

Writing/Grammar: Why do we write? What is the purpose of communicating through written word and what skills are fundamental to excelling at it? We will be discussing these questions and setting up our Writing and Grammar notebooks. We will also be reviewing the Spalding phonograms. Make sure your students are brushing up on them!

History: Why do we study history? In class we will be exploring the purpose of learning about the history humanity. What can we learn from it practically, and are there reasons that go beyond what is practical to learn about history?

Literature: This week we will be jumping right into Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis. We will be reading together in class and reading at home, so make sure to purchase a copy of the book for your student if you haven't already!

If you want to know what homework is being assigned to your students, check their agenda! They should be recording all homework in their agendas and putting any worksheets they need to complete in their red homework folders.

This week is going to be a lot of work for your students! Make sure to congratulate them Friday for getting through it!


Mr. Ohbayashi

Welcome the 2016-2017 4th grade year!

Dear Parents,           
“It’s a dangerous business Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” –Bilbo Baggins
Whenever a new school year approaches, I think of this timeless advice given by Bilbo Baggins to his nephew. Every year is the beginning of an adventure. We step out of our door, out of our comfort zone, and hope to keep our feet as the learning begins. The uncertainty of it all is scary. Who knows what could happen?
But Bilbo never tells Frodo to stay home. There is something about the endeavor that is worth the risk. Beyond our door there are goblins and elves, heroes and dragons, dungeons to be explored and treasures to be found. There is a world of magic and mystery just waiting to be discovered. Who knows what could happen?
I am so excited to be joining your students in this fellowship of learning this year. The road before us is long, and may sometimes be difficult, but the wonders awaiting us are well worth it.
Welcome to the 4th grade!

Burk Ohbayashi

4th Grade Lead Teacher

Monday, April 4, 2016


Dear Parents,

Now that AZMerit is behind us we will be getting back to a more normal schedule. We pretty much have a straight shot to the end of the year, so make sure you are working with your students to finish it out strong! A big thing to remember is to keep them practicing Paul Revere's Ride. They need to have the whole poem memorized by April 22nd!

This week

1) In History we will be learning more about the checks and balances of the three branches of government and about the advantages of Federalism. We will also be learning about the earliest Amendments to the Constitution and the debate over the Bill of Rights.

2) In Writing we will start writing our first persuasive essays! They will be working on this for homework and for several students the experience will be new, so expect some frustration at home. Their essays will be far from perfect, but we will go through an editing process to make them better.

3) In Reading we will be finishing up The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and having a discussion about several themes explored in the book including the importance of self-confidence and community. Feel free to ask your students to tell you what they think about the book and their discussions.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Mr. Ohbayashi

Monday, March 28, 2016


Dear Parents,

AZ Merit this week! Don't panic. Standardized tests are a part of reality today, but at Great Hearts we do not believe in making our students lives about them. They will do well, and there is no need to stress them out about a test that cannot really determine their value or abilities. They may come home a little exhausted from the testing this week, but they will have little homework so you can let them rest.

This Week

1) In History we will use our experiences last week to understand the difficult choices the American congress had to make when drafting the Constitution.

2) In Reading we will be finishing up The Wizard of Oz and beginning our discussion about community and self-knowledge.

3) In Writing we will be writing an essay together in class and learning the structure of a persuasive essay.


Mr. Ohbayashi

Monday, March 21, 2016


Dear Parents,

Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful Spring Break with your students. We are now entering the final quarter of their 4th grade year at Archway Trivium East. This quarter will contain several milestones for them. They will finish their poem Paul Revere's Ride, they will begin to actually write summaries and short essays in class, and they will take their AZ Merit exams. My advice for approaching standardized tests is not to stress your students too much. We want to avoid the anxiety that can distract and overwhelm our students. We are preparing them, they will be successful.

This Week

1) In History we will be talking about the principles of forming a good government and then trying to create one as a class.

2) In Reading  we will be continuing to read the Wizard of  Oz. As always it is a huge benefit to have your student read to you if you can.

3) In Writing we will be continuing to memorize Paul Revere's Ride and learning the fundamentals of writing a short essay.

Thanks so much for your time and effort!


Mr. Ohbayashi

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Dear Parents,


1) Our field trip to the Musical Instrument Museum is March 8th! If you have not turned in your students parent permission slip and $10 bus fee do so ASAP.

2) We will have a history and writing test at the end of NEXT week (the last week of the quarter). Make sure your students are studying for it.

What are we learning this Week?

1) In History we will be learning about the end of the American Revolution! Students will learn how Washington trapped Cornwallis in Yorktown and ended the war. On Friday students will hear from a guest teacher on the early attempts to form a new American government. Ask them about the Articles of Confederation and its strengths and weaknesses. They will have a quiz on Thursday.

2) In Writing students will learn about the use of helping verbs and we will have a diagramming quiz on Friday. Ask your students to diagram some simple sentences for you and watch them impress you!

3) In Reading we will be finishing Carry on Mr. Bowditch! Our next book will be the Wizard of Oz, so make sure your student has a copy!


Mr. Ohbayashi

Monday, February 22, 2016


Dear Parents,

In Class This Week

1) In History we will be learning about the Battle of Saratoga, which turned the tide of the war in America's favor. We will also be learning about the betrayal of Benedict Arnold and why that was so devastating to Washington and the Americans.

2) In Writing we will be learning about the use of quotation marks in sentences. We will also continue practicing commas. You can help your students by checking their homework and see if their use of punctuation marks looks correct. Ask them to explain why they put punctuation where they did.

3) In Reading we will be continuing to read Carry on Mr. Bowditch. This book is going to be mostly one we simply enjoy, so there will be no focus questions as homework. Its always beneficial to read with and to your students and we encourage you to do so whenever you have the opportunity.


Mr. Ohbayashi

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Dear Parents,

I hope you had an excellent President's Day weekend! As your students close out the third quarter these last few weeks, make sure you are checking their agenda on a nightly basis. This will help you keep up to date with your students homework and make sure you see any infractions or virtue codes they have received during the day.

This Week

1) In Writing we will be reviewing commas and learning the correct use of quotation marks in sentences.

2) In History we will be learning about the course of the American Revolution and the battles that decided the outcome. Ask your students how the Americans were doing at the beginning of the war. How do they think American managed to survive with all the disadvantages they had against England?

3) In Reading we will continue to read Carry on Mr. Bowditch. If you have not gotten this book for your students yet, please do! They will need it for homework.

4) In Poetry we will be working on the 6th stanza of the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. Make sure your student is practicing the poem every night!


Mr. Ohayashi

Monday, February 8, 2016


Dear Parents,

Its Valentines Day! Well...almost. This Friday is a half-day and we will be celebrating friendship in class. With that in mind, please remember that it is Great Hearts policy not to give out Valentines day cards, which tend to learn toward pop-culture.

In class this week:

1) In Writing we are going to continue learning the many uses of the comma. If you have the opportunity, ask your students to tell you the different ways they have learned to use commas. See if they can write several sentences that use commas different ways.

2) In History we will be learning about the 2nd Continental Congress and the beginning of the Revolutionary war against England. The early war went poorly for the Americans, ask your students about how George Washington kept the army together and the dream of American independence alive.

3) In Reading we will be having a seminar on The Princess and the Goblin, specifically focusing on the question "What virtue is MOST important to being a good prince/princess?" We will then be starting a new book, Carry on Mr. Bowditch".

4) In Poetry we will be working on memorizing the 5th stanza of Paul Revere's Ride. Make sure your student is practicing the poem every night! The best way to memorize the poem is in pieces, if they let it wait to long it will be a daunting task.


Mr. Ohbayashi

Monday, February 1, 2016


Dear Parents,

We are more than half way done with the third quarter. As we get closer and closer to summer vacation your students are going to get ever more restless. Keep encouraging them to stay on task and give their best effort! We still have a lot to learn this year.

This Week

1) In Writing we will be reviewing their handwriting (some of it has gotten quite sloppy) and letter formation. We will also be learning about the importance and uses of commas and quotation marks. Feel free to ask them about when it is appropriate to use a comma, they might surprise you with how many rules their are!

2) In History we will be learning about the first shots fired in the American Revolution. There will also be a TEST this Thursday. The students have been prepping for it since last week and a review will go home, just make sure they are studying for it.

3) In Reading  we will be finishing the Princess and the Goblin. On Friday we will have a seminar centered around the question: "What does it mean, according to the story, to be a true prince or princess?"

Keep up your great work! We really appreciate you.


Mr. Ohbayashi

Monday, January 25, 2016


Dear Parents,

This week

1) In Writing  we are going to be continuing to work on "Paul Revere's Ride." Make sure your student is practicing the poem every night for at least ten minutes. Our goal this week is the have the first four stanzas memorized! We will also be doing vocab root words again this week, so ask your student to show them to you.

2) In History we will be learning about the early conflict between the American Colonists and the British Empire. Ask your students about what the British did that angered the colonists so much. Let them tell you about specific events such as the Boston Massacre.

3) In Reading we will be continuing the Princess and the Goblin. When they have reading to do at home it is always beneficial to let them read to you so you can talk about the story with them. Especially if they are struggling on the Focus Questions.


Mr, Ohbayashi

Monday, January 18, 2016


Dear Parents,

I hope you all are enjoying Martin Luther King day. This week we will be beginning the long endeavor of memorizing Paul Revere's Ride by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. It is a very long poem can certainly be frustrating, but I have seen many fourth graders master it before. We will be setting weekly goals for memorization which will be put in the students agenda. Make sure they are keeping up with these goals, we do not want them to have to memorizing 10 stanzas in a single week.

In class this week:

1) In History we will be learning about the French and Indian War and the early grievances that began the strife between the American Colonies and England.

2) In Reading we will be continuing the Princess and the Goblin. There will be fewer focus question assignments to make time for Paul Revere's ride memorization, but make sure your student is still keeping up with the story.

3) In Writing we will be learning about and diagramming sentences with conjunctions.


Mr. Ohayashi

Sunday, January 10, 2016


Dear Parents,

This Tuesday night is the 4th grade project night! Come out and see your student's project displayed and hear them explain the circulatory system. If you are concerned about the written portion feel free to email me, but don't stress too much. The written part of the science project will be a very modest grade.

If you have filled out your tax return information for your students they will get ice cream on Friday! If you haven't yet, there is still time. Contact the front office to have $400 of your taxes redirected to our school.

In class this week:

1) In History we will begin our unit on the American revolution. We will be learning about the Colonies in the early 1700's and the Rights of Englishmen that early colonists came to expect and value.

2) In Writing we will be summarizing a short story and breaking it down into what happened first, next, and last. Students are being taught to summarize stories by recognizing the beginning, middle, and end. Feel free to ask them to summarize other stories in a similar fashion if you see an opportunity. (Ex: Could you summarize the movie we just saw? What happened first, next, and last?")

3) In Reading we will be continuing to read The Princess and the Goblin. Ask your student what the story is about and who their favorite characters are? Is Irene a good princess? Why or why not? The more students engage with the story the better they will comprehend its plot.


Mr. Ohbayashi

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Q3 Week 1

Dear Parents,

Welcome back! The second semester is officially underway. Its sort of hard to believe that time flew by so fast. This first week will be all half days, so make sure to pick your students up at 12:00, not 3:00!

This whole first week will be focused on a science project that Ms. Wycklendt will be communicating to you about. The project will be worked on both at school and home and will be presented on project night (Thursday January 12th). If you have any questions about project night, feel free to email myself or Ms. Wycklendt.

Most of our time this week will be devoted to helping the students put together and write about their project, but they will also be reading the Princess and the Goblin at home. The story by George McDonald is a wonderful one and I highly encourage you to read it with your students. Make sure they know the details because there will be focus questions and quizzes on the plot.


Mr. Ohbayashi