"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths"
Walt Disney
Dear Parents,
This quarter is a new beginning for us and our scholars. It will bring new challenges and new joys, and we don't know where we will be when we come to the end of it. Last quarter was a period of learning and adjustment. Now that we have our feet under us a bit more solidly, we will start seeing precisely what we can do. The rigor and expectations are going up, but don't panic if your student comes home frustrated once or twice. We will be working to help them rise to their potential here at school, just let us know if things seem to be getting too much for them and we will figure out a way to help.
This Week
1, In History we will be learning about the earliest European cities that began to grow in the Middle Ages. What was it like to live in a city? Why might a serf leave his home on a manor and move to live in a place like London or Paris?
We will have an open note quiz on Friday.
2. In Writing we will be doing a myriad of activities this week. Because it is a week of half-days we will be switching from subject to subject in ELA. On Monday we will be learning our new poem, "Rhinoceros" by Ogden Nash and reciting it on Wednesday. On Tuesday we will learn how to write a personal letter and practice it with a homework assignment. On Thursday we will be doing Spalding and our first Spalding homework assignment! Look for an explanatory note coming home on that. Friday we will get back to reading King Arthur with reading homework.
Mr. Ohbayashi
Mr. Ohbayashi
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