Monday, November 28, 2016

Q2 Week 7

“Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.” ~Babe Ruth

Dear Parents,

We often strike out, even when we try our hardest. Nobody is perfect, and one of the hardest lessons for a 4th grader to learn is that learning isn't always easy. Our aim at Archway Trivium East is to give your students access to ideas that will allow them to grow into lovers of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. These ideas are big, and often difficult. Do not be discouraged if you find they sometimes struggle with them, the struggle itself is an excellent lesson. Keep encouraging them to do and be their best, and let us know if you have any thoughts or questions!

This Week

1) In History we will be learning about Muhammed's flight from Mecca to Medina and how he preserved and grew the religion of Islam in its infancy. If you have any questions about the goals or methods regarding our lessons about Islam, please feel free to email me and ask them.

2) We will be spending most of our Writing and Literature classes in the next three weeks working on our Twelfth Night Reader's theater play, which will be performed on the last day of school (Dec 16th)! The performance will be open to parents and further details are coming soon!

3) We are going to be introducing Paul Revere's Ride this week! This is one of those hard challenges I mentioned. The poem is long and intimidating, but 4th graders have managed to memorize the whole thing every year that I have taught it. We will work to get the first several paragraphs memorized before Christmas break, and students will finish it during project week.


Mr. Ohbayashi

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