Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Dear Parents,

As we close out the final week of the semester, here are some things to keep in mind:

1) The Shakespeare Festival is taking place this Monday from 12:00-1:00 in the MPR. Come out and see your students perform Twelfth Night!

2) We have quizzes this week in History and LA. The History Quiz will be on Thursday and the LA Quiz will be on Friday. These quizzes will not be too difficult and should not stress the students out too much.

3) The Bard competition is this Thursday! If your student is preparing for it make sure they put the finishing touches on their poem!

4) Have fun! The first 2 semesters of Great Hearts can be tiring. Enjoy your Christmas break and let your students relax and have fun. There is no homework over the break, so they can get a much needed rest.

In Class

1) In History we are learning about the earliest European colonies in the Americas. Ask your students what it was like to be a colonist in the 1600s. What colonies were there? What countries started colonies in different areas? The more they discuss, the more they will understand and retain the history that they learn.

2) In Reading we will be reviewing all the parts of speech we have learned so far. We will be diagramming sentences and learning the function of Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, and Adverbs.

3) In Reading we will be learning the story of Hamlet and watching scenes from that play and Much Ado About Nothing.


Mr. Ohbayashi

Sunday, December 6, 2015


Dear Parents,

It is hard to believe we are coming to the end of our first semester at Archway Trivium East. Your students have been doing great, keep encouraging them, only a little bit more to go before Winter Break!

Coming up next Monday (December 14th) is the Shakespeare festival. During the day your students will give a readers theater performance of the play Twelfth Night. More details will be emailed to you soon.

Many of your students have been preparing for the Great Hearts Bard competition. I am very excited to see the work of the 4th grade Bards! They will perform their poems of the 17th of December, so make sure they are practicing their memorization.

In Class

1) In Writing and Reading we will be practice for our performance of Twelfth Night  on Monday. Have your students read through their scene with you at home and tell you about the part they will be playing! It is readers theater, so they don't have to have any lines memorized, but it would be helpful if they are familiar with their lines and cues.

2) In History we will be studying the motivations and events that led to the first explorations west by the European powers in the late Middle Ages. What were explorers like Colombus trying to find when they sailed across the Atlantic? What consequences did this have for Europe and the rest of the world? Conversations at home will help deepen your students understanding of the material.

As always, feel free to email me at bohbayashi@archwaytriviumeast.org if you have any questions or concerns!


Mr. Ohbayashi